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大一新生除了一開學就有新的 #精采宿舍 住以外,

在第二個學期還有新生盃可以參加(又是個拿獎金補貼生活費的好機會) *證明自己的機會來了 *只需要動動筆寫寫字 *就有機會獲獎嗷嗷嗷 —————————————————————————— Those who are international students (who do not use Chinese as their mother language isn't Chinese), are welcome SSSSOOOO much to participate in this contest. You will get valuable experience during college time along with the certification proofing your Chinese writing skills!!!!! Try to read the information in short below (the attached photos) or directly give us messages for the English details of the competition.

Big prize! Time-Limited! Sign up NOW! Practice HARD! Tips to win the championship: visit YouHanTang and practice with teachers and schoolmates! #contest #competition #chinese #calligraphy #valuable #prize #welcome #international #students in #fcu ——————————————————————————


練字第一式·晨之呼吸: 每週二早上十點 在游翰堂 跟團練!(對 #蕭世瓊 老師的大腿 #抱緊處理 練字第二式·隱之呼吸: 加入游翰堂愛寫字群組跟同好切磋!(進群連結私訊FB小編)

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